Free Script

A powerful video script, made just for you.

To make sure we’re a good fit, our production team will write you a video script in less than 72-hours — and it’s 100% free.
5 stars
best ad I've ever seen
5 stars
incredible process
5 stars
brought my vision to life
Used by over 450+ of the world's best startups and established enterprises

Discover the value of a quality video script.

Your video’s success is largely determined by your high-level storytelling ability.

We’ll include what you absolutely must have in a video script, and the framework we’ve used in projects for Square, Uber and Koala.

You’ll have:

  • A clear script structure that converts.
  • An engaging and strong story.
  • An effective 60-second company pitch.

Get your free video script.

Want to increase sales using video? Get a perfectly optimised script; it’s really that simple.

By submitting this form your agree to our Privacy Policy.
You’ll shortly receive an email with next steps.

Frequently asked questions

We’ve produced over 150 videos a year to help companies sell their product.
This have given our team a tonne of insights on what works well, and what doesn’t
when it comes to communicating your product through video.

Why do I need to fill out the information requested?

We will always keep your personal information safe.

We ask for your information in order for us to learn more about your company needs, so we can develop a quality video script.

You can read more about it in our privacy policy.

Is this really free?


We believe starting off with a free video script is a great way for you to get to know our team and the quality of our work without any compromise.

Is the 15-mins call necessary?

Your company has a unique value proposition so even though a script template might be useful it won’t bring as much value as a storyline tailored for your company and your marketing goals.

See our full terms and conditions for this offer.

Unlock maximum content value!

Learn how to scale creative effectively without stretching your budget.

Book intro call

Start with a free video script 🎉

New to Vidico? You can try us out before formal engagement. Really!
Learn more
3 spots left for January