TVC Campaign

Temple & Webster

T&W approached us to produce an extensive online campaign via Youtube and broader social channels. The project had 335% increase in brand recall and drove all other areas of brand awareness in a steep upward trend.

Michel Pirone
We were very impressed with how many themes we were able to touch on!
Michel Pirone
Creative Director
Advertising recall.

Advertising recall.

Temple & Webster is Australia’s number 1 online retailer of furniture and homewares.

We teamed up with this amazing team after identifying opportunities to produce brand video assets to run a concurrent TVC campaign and an extensive online campaign via Youtube and broader social channels.

The campaign coincides with a 300%+ increase in unprompted advertising recall, with the TVC the major driver of the increase.

  • More than half of those who recalled recent T&W advertising described the TVC in a clearly recognisable way.
  • Of the small number who mentioned a TVC but gave no description almost all recognised the TVC when shown it.
Brand health metrics.

Brand health metrics.

The TVC campaign had an overall strong result with a substantial increase in brand awareness as well as measurable improvements on other brand health metrics.

This is confirmed by the fact that this improvement is only seen among those viewers who recognised the TVC.

  • Overall, about two in 5 consumers in the targeted TV markets recognise the TVC, with a slightly stronger result for free-to-air markets.
  • Reflecting this, free-to-air advertising accounts for about 80% of TVC’s reach.


Furniture of your dreams, delivered.

Furniture of your dreams, delivered.

Temple & Webster, a furniture company based near Canberra, teamed up with a measurement consultant to assess how much incremental revenue was generated by the TV campaign. They measured revenue coming from “branded channels”: paid and organic searches for “Temple & Webster” as well as direct traffic while the campaign was on. Once all visits had at least 30 days maturity, they got a statistically significant result in incremental revenue.

The success can be attributed among other factors to the fact that we focus on a single message or tagline: Furniture of your dreams, delivered.

The key themes on this tagline were reflected in the differences in brand perceptions of those who recognise the TVC:

  • Increase by 72% of viewers perceiving the brand as great for big ticket items = “furniture”.
  • Increase by 30% of viewers perceiving the brand as superb quality = “of your dreams”.
  • Increase by 55% of viewers perceiving the brand as top-notch customer service = “delivered”.

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3 spots left for January